Saturday, April 10, 2010


Well, everyone made it home safely. We have our Mexico Review Service tomorrow at CBC at 7pm. See you all there. Oddly, I miss everyone already. Thank you all so much for your prayers.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Going Home

We are about to load the bus to head home. We should get into Riverside late tonight and Waterford tomorrow by 4. We will call when we get closer. Please know that when we get there all the students must stay until everything has been unloaded and put away. We cannot do it without them.

On Sunday night at 7pm, at CBC, we will have our Mexico Review Service. We invite all parents and anyone else who'd like to hear about our trip to come be a part of that service. See you all soon!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Our Last Outreach Service

Yesterday was the longest day of the trip. We did morning carnival, afternoon carnival, team time, construction, an evening outreach, and then a campfire circle time at the end. No one had any trouble falling asleep though. We may have just found a cure for insomnia! It went great.

At the outreach last night Pastor Edgar (the pastor of the church that we are partnering with down here) gave the gospel message once again. Standing at the back of the crowd were a group of people that were obviously a little skeptical of what was going on. During his message I was praying for that group of people specifically. At the end every one of them came forward to accept Christ! There were 21 adults that responded to the gospel for the first time. It was amazing!

It wasn't all work yesterday, though. We also took the students to a great taco stand and had the best tacos ever. That's just my little way of making sure they come back next year ;-) They will find themselves craving those tacos as I do, waiting for the chance to come back and eat them again.

All the students and staff are doing very well. Everyone is still healthy, though certainly getting tired. I have a feeling the ride back will be much quieter than the ride here.

We leave tomorrow afternoon, and will spend the night in Riverside once again. I will have the students call on Saturday when we are about an hour away so that you know when to pick them up. We are aiming for 4pm. I will try to post another blog tomorrow, but we will be tearing down the camp, so I'm not sure I'll be able to. Thanks for your continued prayers!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Night of Freedom

Last night we stayed at the church rather than going out for an outreach. We had an extended worship service and then spent over two hours praying together, forgiving those who had wronged us, confessing sins to God, learning how to live in the freedom of Christ, and practicing the Lord's Supper. It was an amazing evening, and many students got freedom from things that have been keeping them in bondage for a long time. Parents, please ask your teen about the Night of Freedom and what it meant for them when they get home.

Everything is still going great. Tonight we have another outreach service, so please pray for that. Students and staff are all still healthy and energetic, excited about what God is doing in and through us. It has already been an amazing trip and we're only about halfway into it! Thank you for your continued prayers- please keep it up!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

We're Here!!!

Well,we've actually been here for a little while now, but this is the first opportunity I've had to post on the blog. The trip down went great. This area was not really effected by the earthquake, so no problems there.

Last night we had our first outreach service. We played with tons of kids and teens, served over 250 hotdogs and were blessed with some great worship from Iglesia del Redentor's worship team. At the end of the night we saw 14 kids and 6 adults become Christians! It was such a blessing.

Today we've had teams doing construction and children's carnivals. Both are going well. The construction crew is so ahead of schedule already that we've got to find more projects for them. That doesn't happen very often in the US!

All the students are doing well and excited to be here. We've had no problems, and everything is going great, but please keep praying! Thanks for all your support and prayers!


Friday, March 26, 2010

We're going to Mexico!

Ok folks, it's official. We are going to Mexico. It's been a little up in the air, but we have finally decided for sure that we are going to Mexico, not changing it to somewhere else. I am very pleased to report that almost everyone who was originally signed up is still planning on going. I know it's still a little scary, so I will leave you with these two verses.

Joshua 1:9- "This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."

2 Timothy 1:7- "For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline."